Month: October 2017

On October 19, 2017, the Quito International Airport inaugurated a chapel where individuals can freely exercise their faith. The chapel, located at the Quito Airport Center building in front of the passenger terminal, will be available to users and travelers circulating through its facilities.
The chapel was blessed by Ecuador’s Nuncio, Monsignor Andrés Carrascosa, the Archbishop of Quito and Monsignor Fausto Trávez. In the ceremony was also present Andrew O’Brian, President and Director General of Corporación Quiport, as well as various authorities from the Municipality.
The Virgen del Quinche del Aeropuerto de Quito Chapel will celebrate Holy Mass every Sunday, from October 29, at 12:30 p.m., and will be open daily, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. However, it holds two areas for prayer that are open 24 hours a day.
In this manner, the airport provides an adequate facility for persons who wish to pray and profess their faith.

Corporación Quiport participated in the 27th Airports Council International (ACI) Annual General Assembly, represented by Mr. Andrew O’Brian, President and CEO of the concessionaire company for the Quito International Airport. Mr. O’Brian attended the forum of airport industry CEO’s from around the world as Vice President of the Board of Directors of ACI Latin America and the Caribbean (ACI-LAC).
This session of the assembly focused on interesting matters that shape the rapid evolution of the airport industry, under the theme “Bold Leadership in a Time of Change.”
Furthermore, a series of panels and committees were held during the assembly, addressing subjects of importance for the airport industry. This year, the conference addressed subjects such as safety culture, technology and innovation, connectivity and sustainable development, customer experience and airport service quality.
Allan Padilla, Director of Operations, represented the Quito Airport at the Leading Airports Seminar on Customer Service, while Jaime Pérez, EHS & SR, participated at the World Environment Committee as a member of this body representing ACI-LAC.
At this event, the Quito airport received two significant acknowledgements in the environmental and service quality areas.
In the environmental area, ACI formalized awarding of the Reduction Level Certification within its Airport Carbon Accreditation Program (ACA), a global initiative that seeks to reduce carbon emissions from the airport industry on a global scale.
As to service quality, the Quito airport received a trophy for obtaining third place among Latin American and Caribbean region airports due to its service quality, measured through the Airport Service Quality program (ASQ).
Quiport’s participation at these important global industry events further strengthens the Quito Airport’s position as a regional leader.

- Arrayanes Country Club in Quito was the venue of the 2017 Quiport Cup, a tournament organized by the Ecuadorian-Canadian Chamber of Commerce, sponsored by Corporación Quiport, which sought to promote practice of this sport in the country and strengthen cooperation between Ecuador and Canada.
Quito, October 10, 2017. Approximately 93 golfers were a part of the 2017 Quiport Golf Tournament Cup that took place last Friday, October 6, at Arrayanes Country Club. Andrew O’Brian, President and CEO of Corporación Quiport, along with Allan Padilla, Director of Operations of this same company led the first category leaderboard. Meanwhile, Victor Herrera and Andrés Proaño prevailed in the second category. Among the women, Marisol Grisales and Belén Reyes took first place.
For Andrew O’Brian, CEO of Quiport—the entity that supported the tournament’s organization— this activity promotes friendship and reciprocity between both countries. The executive explained that, in addition to developing physical and intellectual abilities, the purpose of the Quiport Cup, given its social nature, was to promote the practice of a sport that focuses on reinforcing cooperation ties.
The day ended at 2:00 p.m. with lunch at the club’s restaurant, at which the winners of each category received a prize and participants were granted acknowledgments. National golf personalities such as Carla León, Enrique Rueda, and Jorge Real were present at the event. Furthermore, Canadian ambassador, Marinick Tremblay, Canadian entrepreneurs, and diplomatic officers attended the tournament.

This positive impact on the environment grants the delivery of the Certificate for Phase 2 – Reduction under the Airport Carbon Accreditation Program, an initiative of Airport Council International that is recognized by the World Bank, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
Quito, October 2, 2017. During the last week of September, Airport Council International granted the Quito International Airport the Certificate for Phase 2 – Reduction under its Airport Carbon Accreditation Program (ACA)— a global initiative that seeks to reduce carbon emissions in the airport industry and significantly contribute to the efforts to mitigate climate change.
The Quito International Airport becomes the first airport of between 5 and 15 million passengers to be accredited for level 2 Reduction in the Latin-American and Caribbean region.
This is the continuation of a 4-step program consisting of mapping, reduction, optimization, and neutrality, geared towards environmental efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions. In 2015, the Council granted the Quito Airport a certification for its fulfillment of the mapping step, i.e. calculation of its environmental footprint.
This year (2017), after implementation of specific programs designed by Corporación Quiport, the concessionaire of the capital’s airport, the Reduction certificate endorses the efforts towards achieving a cleaner environment.
Andrew O’Brian, President and CEO of Quiport, explained that, since its opening in 2013, the Quito International Airport is committed to being an engine for development that will take into account the needs of society and the environment. Therefore, he accepted the carbon accreditation challenge.
“We have fulfilled levels 1 and 2 satisfactorily. Our intent is to proceed immediately to level 3, Optimization; in other words, build alliances with service provides in the airport and create a collaborative structure to reduce CO2. In the medium term, the goal is to achieve neutrality in our carbon footprint,” he said.
According to data from the Corporación Quiport Social Responsibility Program, Quito Airport’s carbon footprint went from 5,533 CO2 tons in 2014 to 4,950 CO2 tons in 2016. In other words, in two years, the airport has prevented 583 tons of carbon dioxide from being released into the environment.
The main actions to achieve this goal have to do with reductions in the use of energy. This airport terminal now has 7,700 LED lamps, out of which 90% have automatic regulation sensors. Furthermore, the landing and take-off runways are equipped with 180 lights with similar features.
Moreover, the Quito Airport has implemented a lighting schedule to take advantage of natural light and the AC water cooling equipment remains off between 10:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Additionally, the airport has a dehydration plant for waste water, an incinerator for waste with technology that reduces gas emissions, an air quality policy that prioritizes the use of alternative fuel, and a 70-hectare plant and wildlife conservation area.
This new milestone places the Quito Airport at the forefront of airports with environmental awareness and allows it to continue to be a leader in the region.