22 Feb 2024

Quiport shares good sustainable practices in the Responsible Tourism Forum

On Thursday, February 22nd, Ramón Miró, President and CEO of Quiport, participated as a panelist in the 1st Responsible Tourism Forum, organized by the British Ecuadorian Chamber (BRITCHAM UIO) in Qutio. The event brought together national and international experts in the tourism sector to address crucial issues about the sustainable development of the sector.

Quiport was part of the “Good Practices and Challenges Panel in the tourism sector to boost sustainable development”. In this space, Ramón Miró shared the stage with prominent leaders of the sector such as Paulina Burbano de Lara, CEO of Metropolitan Touring, and Mónica Fistrovic, CEO of Latam Airlines Ecuador. These three key tourism actors in the country shared their experiences, strategies, projects and initiatives aimed at promoting responsible and sustainable practices in tourism, benefiting both local communities and the environment.

During his speech, Ramón Miró highlighted the areas in which Quiport works in favor of sustainability, such as carbon neutrality, waste management and recycling, air quality, energy consumption, reforestation and conservation of wildlife. In addition, he highlighted the company’s social commitment in aspects such as the empowerment of collaborators and social responsibility programs.

He placed special emphasis on the triple impact, social, environmental and good governance, which are part of the fundamental pillars of Quiport that do not give up. “We are one of the few carbon-neutral airports. We obtained it in 2019, in 2020 the pandemic arrived and until now we continue uninterruptedly with this certification, despite the circumstances we experienced due to the health emergency, we do not sacrifice that aspect because it is important for us.”

Regarding work team, Ramón Miró thanked the staff for being committed to the good performance of the airport and the sustainability that is everyone’s responsibility, adding: “We understand, we contribute and we are part of the solutions that we must find, and that happens not only at the level of Quiport, but also at the airport community, the communities surrounding the airport and the government. He concluded by commenting: “Working on sustainability must be a priority. We must surround ourselves with people with moral principles who push us to be better. Our airport has accomplished great things and moved forward because it is surrounded by good partners and great people.”

According to the BRITCHAM UIO, this event was supported by The Latin American Travel Association (LATA), based in London, whose mission is to promote Latin America as an attractive tourist destination and stimulate the growth of travel to the region, as well as the strengthening and collaboration between tourism companies from Ecuador and the United Kingdom, highlighting the Ecuadorian offer of sustainable tourism.