05 Jan 2024

Choice Cargo inaugurates MSC airline operations with charter flights at Quito airport

The firm Choice Cargo, General Sales Agent, commercial representative of the cargo airline Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC), a world leader in cargo transportation, announced the start of operations at the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito with the arrival of the first aircraft of the company. The company has established two weekly flights on Wednesdays and Fridays, operated with Boeing 777-200 aircraft with a cargo capacity of 85 tons to transport flowers especially from Quito to Miami, Liege and Amsterdam. The operation of the airline will make greater cargo transportation capacity available to exporters at a key moment such as the beginning of the Valentine’s season. Diego Íñiguez, CEO of Choice Cargo and MSC representative in Ecuador, said: “We thank MSC for allowing us to be part of this exciting journey. Together, we will offer unparalleled experiences to our customers. Today, we open a new chapter by providing innovative cargo services, connecting markets and strengthening our business relationships. “MSC will offer two flights per week, with the expectation of increasing this frequency in the near future.” Given the appreciated quality of the Ecuadorian flower in the international market, a growing need is identified to expand flight capacity, thus contributing to the development of exports.

In his intervention, Allan Padilla, Chief Operating Officer of Corporación Quiport, highlighted the constant rise of air cargo operations at the Quito International Airport. “With a record of 340 thousand metric tons transported in 2023, the airport is positioned as the main air cargo transport port in the country and occupies a prominent role in Latin America due to its annual cargo volume. “MSC Air Cargo’s initiative will provide exporters with additional cargo transport capacity, especially crucial at the start of the Valentine’s season.” In addition, he reiterated Quiport’s willingness to collaborate closely for the benefit of the productive sectors and the development of the city’s connectivity. The new operation will serve to increase the supply of capacity for the export of flowers and other products.